Tag Archives: handbags

Some items coming down the line

Grey line

This lovely grey is going to be one of THE hot colours for women this Spring.  Don’t believe me?  Well, check this out:  http://www.pantone.com/pages/FCR/Default.aspx?season=spring&year=2014&pid=3

Then come back soon and check some of the other colours we were bang-on with for the upcoming season that we’ll be posting pictures of soon.  Time to get some different colours in your life!

I’m not usually particular about being all matchy-match but…

Sample line

…when it looks this good together, it’s pretty hard to resist.  Just need all the matching luggage-type pieces for my imaginary rail travels (just watched Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited and admired the matching set of luggage the brothers were using!).


Reworking an old model


New tote

I needed a new bag for the fall.  I’ve always  liked a bag we’ve had kicking around but I wanted it a bit bigger to hold my computer and, well, it just needed some tweaking to be exactly what I wanted.  I’m not really adept at making patterns for new designs but I did want to try to alter an existing one.  This is the result.  Pretty damn pleased, if I do say so myself!  Now that’s three bags in my collection in this fantastic equestrian-style plaid!  And a computer sleeve.  A girl likes to match her accessories sometimes…

Looking for a good home


Remember back when I took you through all the steps needed to make my new bag for summer?  Well, I absolutely love my shopper in cork with red veg-tanned leather trim.  It turns out, others did too!  We’ve made several, in many different combinations.  However, we still have the original cork and red combination.  Interested?  Be sure to “like” us on Facebook to find out how you can make it yours!